Flash Player Design

    Date: 06/29/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Hi guys,

    I am in the middle of quoting a pretty big web design project. The one thing I'm going to need to outsorce is the design of a few customized flash players... I have not gotten savvy with flash to the point of feeling able to do it myself.

    I'm trying to get an idea of what this will cost so I can have an estimate to base the proposal off of. Does anyone here do this type of work, and/or have a general range of what it would cost? I am looking for both a music player (about 20 songs) with a customized look (bright, kid-friendly buttons that match the colors of the site), and possibly a movie player as well. And like I said, I'm looking for an estimated range, not a really specific price. I just want an idea of what cost I'll be passing on to the client.

    And of course, if you're interested in the gig, let me know. I've gotten a bunch of really nonspecific replies from Craigslist (the kind that I, admittedly, send out myself: "Tell me more about the project before I quote you a price") that are not really helping me write this proposal right now... So someone who gives me useful information now would defininitely be given favor when making the decision.

    x-posted to web_design

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1273325.html

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