A big hairball's worth of trouble-DIVs, Footers, CSS
Date: 07/02/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, web
Hi, new member!
I'm trying to design a new layout for my website, but I can't seem to get the sidebar to dispay correctly and work with the footer.
The sidebar tends to move with the content. If it's not long enough, it gets pushed up past where I want it to be-but the longer the content gets, the farther it moves down. Plus, it gets stuck behind the footer, which refuses to move down.
I want the sidebar to sit up near the top of the green bar, and not move with the content-and the footer to rest at the bottom of the page, under whichever DIV turns out to be longer.
However, I've been told that my layuot displays correctly in IE 7. The problem? I'm using IE 7!
As such, it may just be me...
Here's screencaps of what I see:
http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/1222/cap4qj7.jpg -The top
http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6544/cap5gd4.jpg -The bottom
Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?
P.S.-Comments on how the layout looks are appreciated as well :-)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1276060.html