Nav bars & divs in CSS

    Date: 07/06/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Sorry if the topic of this post is pretty basic -- our non-profit can't afford to hire a web developer, so we're trying to build a site ourselves. We're making progress in understanding CSS, but there's one thing I don't understand:

    Let's say I have a webpage with a navbar, header and footer. The navbar is an unordered list of links. I can get this far. But I want the navbar, header, and footer to persist for each of the link options on the navbar.

    The dumb way of doing this, I guess, is to simply write the navbar, header, footer, etc., into every linked page. But every site with a CSS-based navbar seems to have a way of producing the linked page within a div. From looking at page source, it isn't obvious to me how they're doing it.

    My thanks to anyone who can offer a dumbed-down explanation for how this works.


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