Okay quick question here.

    Date: 03/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Okay, I have typed this out a few times and haven't been able to make sense of what I was typing, so I'll try this one last time.

    I am trying to understand how to better implement the use of DIVs. Being that they (from what I have read) are very accessible friendly and very easily manipulated through CSS.

    I'm a Dreamweaver junkie and have found that I use TABLES mostly because of their ease of creation. However, they are not always easy to use. So my question is this...

    Is there a way to use and edit DIV as easily as you can TABLES in Dreamweaver?

    I think if I found an answer to that very question I would start using DIVs more and therefore I would hopefully teach myself to better understand CSS and it power.

    Thank you kindly to you wizzards of web wonders!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/842726.html

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