Flash Headache

    Date: 07/22/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    I've lurked for a long time, and I was wondering if it's okay to ask some questions pertaining to building a web page in flash. I've never done anything with flash before, and I've been making my portfolio page in a class for it. I've been working my way through it and have come to a problem.

    My problem is located on the page for "2d Art"

    Basically-- my goal is to have thumbnails which viewers can use to click on and display a sample of art. I have a few buttons out to test, and I made corresponding .jpg images that will load via the "Load Graphic behavior"

    I have it set to load the image on release-- and it works, but then I'm left with a problem. Once it loads, it wont go away. If someone goes to load something, it wont go back to the other one when it's clicked.

    Right now, only the first two thumbnails are set up. I didn't bother to do any more when I found this issue. They load once and I suppose it's something to do with layers.

    But ultimately, I would like to be able to have someone click an image, have the page show the art, and then when a new one is clicked-- get rid of the previous one and load the new image.

    Many thank yous in advance for your help!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1287022.html

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