Site in multiple languages
Date: 09/19/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, database
I have a question to you all.... what´s the best way to do a site in 3 or 4 languages that has a database/PHP driven guestbook and a photo gallery using Simpleviewer?
I have started on the first (Norwegian) language menu and find myself with the dilemma of not wanting to set up a Norwegian guestbook (and Spanish guestbook after that!) on top of the English one that already exists. Also, if I set up a Norwegian (etc.) language photo gallery it would mean that I would have to update more than one of the *same* photo gallery each time, so I don´t want to do that - I simply would like the foreign language sites to use the English guestbook and the English gallery.
The problem is that once they´re on the English site, the menus will all be in English and the only way I can think of redirecting them back to their own language site is to put a little flag on every page where they can click to go back.
However, this is why I´m asking you.... is there another way you could recommend? Thanks for any ideas. :)