enterprise-level content management (rant)

    Date: 11/09/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Tell me everything you know/have heard/seen/believe/hope for with respect to enterprise-level content management systems. What companies and brands are you familiar with? Do any stand out as shining examples of all that's right and good in the world of website management?

    Every day that I come to work and attempt to do anything, really, with our sites, I want to throw my arms up and shout, "What were you thinking?!" I don't know if it comes down to needing a brand new system or just a complete overhaul of what we're using now (Serena Collage®), but something needs to change.

    It doesn't help that I am alone in being responsible for a multinational web presence representing a rapidly growing company, currently with 500 employees. The company's ass-backwards attitude about anything and everything having to do with the internet doesn't help either.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1329512.html

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