Thunderbird - On a Mac - HTML Emails

    Date: 11/21/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: software, html

    Has anyone had experience with sending out HTML emails on Thunderbird for Mac?

    I downloaded Thunderbird specifically so I would be able to do this. I have yet to successfully do it. I see some simple buttons to insert pictures, change font, etc., but what I actually want to do is insert my own code -- I've already designed the email itself as a separate HTML page.

    When I do that, it just sends the whole thing as plain text. Tags and all.

    It seems like it may be a Thunderbird-for-Mac thing -- my boyfriend just downloaded Thunderbird onto his windows machine and said that it looks completely different. He is trying to send my HTML email to me now, as a test.

    Please don't respond just to tell me why I shouldn't be sending HTML anyway. This is for a client who specifically wants a HTML email blast. They have their own software, but I'd like to be able to send myself a test email in Thunderbird. I really just need to know how to do it, not to be scolded for doing it.



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