Favicon in IE7

    Date: 11/30/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: microsoft

    Suggestions on getting a favicon to show up properly in IE7?

    Here is the site: http://www.shortservicesli.com

    It's showing up everywhere else... I tried linking to it:

  1. With no "type" value

  2. With type="image/x-icon"

  3. With type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"

  4. I'm having a hard time testing it myself as I'm on a Mac. My boyfriend has a Windows computer with IE7, and he's reloaded, emptied his cache, added to favorites, et cetera, et cetera, to no avail. Bottom line is, I would like this to just Show Up so that my client (also on IE7) can see it without having to do all that stuff.

    Thoughts? Experience?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1336122.html

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