Radio Buttons Question...

    Date: 12/13/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

    I could do with some help and this community seemed to be the right place to ask.

    I know basic HTML/CSS and I'm building a website for a friend. Part of what he wants is an interactive tutorial. He doesn't want to manually mark it, so the tutorial has to move along at the pace of the user.

    I was wondering it it was possible to code radio buttons so that they point to a URL? For example, there would be a question with three possible outcomes. If you pick the wrong answer and press submit, then you'd be sent to a page telling you that you'd made the wrong choice and explaining why. This feels like a real N00b question, but I just can't for the life of me work out how to do it.

    Any help and advice would be great. Thanks for reading. :)


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