December is Evil.

    Date: 12/14/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    Freelancers, while I'm thinking of it, here's some advice: Problem clients you need to make SURE sign contracts, and you have a backup plan if they don't pay you. Usual suspects are

    Religious Organizations -these typically think everything should be free because its all in support of their mighty sky daddy or a 'good cause', they are generally disorganized and if they pay you it takes ages.

    Realtors -Flakey, will disappear halfway through a project, their follow-through is generally crap unless you're actually buying a house from them.

    Individuals seemlingly lacking foresight or budgeting skills -'nuff said.

    Things are really tight this month because the above are late in paying me. I've had problems with all three categories in the past, the first two more so than the last.


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