if you have a minute...

    Date: 12/18/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    my html skills are current as of about 1999 and i JUST took a 2 day CSS seminar...so i really am new...

    i'm putting together a simple portfolio for my husband - one day the thumbs all worked as links the next day 4 stopped working - i don't think i changed any of that code...maybe i did, but the issue:

    the 2nd column of thumbs are no longer links...can you see why? (i can't)

    also i am sure i didn't create the site in the most efficient way at all, but it's the only way i knew to get it to work...

    any help is appreciated...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1343712.html

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