New book, _Adapting to Web Standards_

    Date: 12/19/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, java, web

    Hi, all,

    I spent most of the year working on a book, Adpating to Web Standards: CSS and Ajax for Big Sites, with some talented people. It's geared to help Web agencies and large companies with their own Web teams learn how to incoporate Web standards into their workflow, but also will help individual Web designers trying to figure out to make their Web sites more roust.

    Published by New Riders in December 2007, the book is divided into two parts: the theory and the pratical case studies. The first part covers chapters by Rob Cherny and Kimberly Blessing on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Applications and Web Standards Worflow. The second part by Meryl K. Evans and Kevin Lawver covers Tori Amos’s official Web site and

    I'm running a book contest right now on my Web site to give away three copies of the book.

    Thanks for your time!


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