wmode in firefox

    Date: 12/23/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, web, linux, google

    I started re-working my website for the new year, I gave in and started using Flash. And I like it - it's a pretty nifty thing.

    Problem is, I need my Flash animations to be transparent using the 'wmode=transparent' parameter, otherwise they float right above the text and block out everything. This isn't a problem in IE6 (or any other browser I've tested) but in Firefox it is impossible to use the Flash navigation. In Linux it does even stranger things.

    Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I've googled around to no avail. I've tried z-indexing, but that doesn't work.

    If it's just a bug in Firefox I'll just let it go and Firefox users can suck it up :P

    Link: the site is here functional, not fully complete yet. IE7 does some wonky things, but I'm working on that.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1345159.html

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