Question for those of you in the UK

    Date: 01/02/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, web

    Hello, I wonder if anyone in the UK could help me. I'm eager to find a good distance learning or part-time course in web design which may actually be useful and not just a huge waste of time and money.

    I wouldn't class myself as a total beginner; I've been teaching myself bits and pieces for a while and I'm quite comfortable with HTML, CSS and Photoshop. I want to take it further and I think getting a qualification or at least doing some proper study (rather than just teaching myself) would be worthwhile. I'm just not sure which to go for.

    I was going to go for this course from the OU, because they're reliable, well-respected and affordable. I've just been a little bit put off by a comment from the course chair that it is "designed for desision makers rather than hands on practitioners". Hmm.

    Then, of course, there's Computeach. Their ads are everywhere. However, they're pretty expensive and I've heard some terrible things about them on the grapevine.

    There's an evening-class at a local college which I looked at, but it's listed alongside classes for flower-arranging, Chinese cookery and Indian head massage, so I don't know if it would really be worth bothering with...

    I work full time and I'm based in Birmingham, so obviously I'm looking for something local or a distance-learning thing. If the right course came along I would consider working part-time if necessary.

    Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts? Tips on which to avoid as well as which to go for would be useful, as there are so many courses advertised online and it's not always easy to tell the good from the bad at first glance!

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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