Hi, web creation question...beginner, new here too.

    Date: 01/05/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, html, web, hosting

     I'm new here.  I'm Trish, 34, female.  I want to create my own webpage.  Easier said, I know.  Here are my questions I hope someone can answer:

    What's the best language to start in?  HTML? PHP?  my husband soon to be ex always used PHP...?
    Where can I post my page for the cheapest (U.S.)?  Lowest hosting??
    Can I get a place to put a page and still create it all my own or must I go with a hosting company?
    Do I have to use Front Page and if so where can I get "a copy"?

    thanks anyone,
    trish x

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1348681.html

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