I just wanted to update on my situation with Powweb

    Date: 01/08/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, hosting

    Powweb gave me my money back. I guess I was no longer worth the trouble. Bless them :o).

    I had given up on getting my money back. I was searching for class action lawsuits online to participate in and I posted bad reviews about them every time I came across a legitimate review site. I was always in good company with the exception of epinions where I was the first one to post an entry about them. No, I was not obsessed with them, but every day they did something that further aggravated and inconvenienced me. As you all know, I had decided to just keep the account because it was paid for and I didn't believe I'd get my money back anyway. No way they get to keep my money AND shut me down!

    They also had a pending charge on my account for November of 2008 when the account would have expired, an auto renewal. I asked them to remove that charge from my account because there was no way I was going to renew anything with them. I made the request twice with no response. On the 3rd request, they closed the account with no warning and no notice. I simply went to sign into the account and got an error. So then I spent over an hour on chat where I told them that I had paid for the account and I wanted it on even though at this point, I was pointing my domain to my new webhost anyway and was in the process of transferring the domain. They said that I had requested that the account be closed it could not be reversed but I could sign up for a new account. I told them that I had not made that request and I explained that I had requested that the auto renewal be turned off. The account didn't expire until 11/08. It was like talking to a robot. She kept repeating the same thing. It was 90 minutes that I was on with her until I just finally got so sick of her that I just disconnected the chat and decided to release this struggle. It wasn't even worth the money. I realised at that point, that I just needed to let it go.

    Please be clear that at this point, I am with another company. Unfortunately, Powweb still has their talons in my domain names. My new webhost has been trying to transfer the domain for about 2 weeks now and has been unsuccessful. The new host is telling me the process is taking a while because Powweb won't release their hold on my account. Powweb says this isn't the case. Even though checking with an independent source, I can see that Powweb really doesn't have my domain locked, for whatever reason the new host has been unable to complete the transfer. I don't know what's going on, but it's taking a while and I want my domain names completely moved because I really believe that Powweb is a sinking ship and they will be gone soon and when it's time to renew my domains, I don't want any problems. So I'm paying the cost to get my domains transferred to a different reseller. The whole thing has been a pain in the ass.

    I really appreciate that Powweb returned my money, but make no mistake about it, until they fix the MySQL issue, they will still remain a 0 in a rating of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest. Also, what I had to go through to get them to give me my money back is an outrage and at the least, I'd say I earned about $5 per hour of my total refund just in the time I spent first of all, trying to resolve this problem that they were never going to resolve for me and then the actual process of trying to get my money back. So they get no cookies, but I do like having my money back. It puts a period on the situation.

    P.S. This guy sums up the issues with Powweb much better than I did.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1350017.html

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