Forms- meta question

    Date: 01/10/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, spam

    I'm curious what people here see as the current best practice for email forms.

    Lately it seems that the standard Form2Mail cgi (Matt's scripts) that I've had in place for years, has started generating a lot of empty messages, or messages from ""... i'm interpreting this to mean that they are getting more attempted attacks from spammers. Or they stop working periodically (!)

    What is the current preferred method of sending secure email from a form, without the mailto address being visible to spambots? I've seen more php out there these days- But it's hard to decide at face value if any of the purported free php things out there are any good.

    At one bulk host, i tried the wizard to set up a php-MySQL "php form generator" ( but that proved really difficult to set up and i never did get it working.

    Suggestions? I'm looking for free, or cheap license for a bunch of different sites.


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