Holiday villa Sites....

    Date: 01/15/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    Right then I have a website I need to design for a villa in Barbados and looking for similar sites so i can get ideas of what kinds of things do to. I've never done a site like this. Its only gonna have 3 pages at most i think, splash page, information about the villa's rooms and facilities, bookings & rates page with contacts details.
    Supplied pictures are not so good, trying to talk my way into getting a free holiday to take them myself. They have already said that they wanted to have 360 degree views of the rooms which are interactive which i will have to go and photograph myself ;)

    anyone know of any other type of website as the one I'm describing and looking for inspiration too

    cross posted to: '[info]'graphicdesign & '[info]'webdesign

    ~ B ~


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