Calling all IE quirks experts and CSS gurus...

    Date: 04/07/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, html

    Got myself a bit of a problem, and it's had the whole office banging our heads on the desk in frustration.

    No matter what we do, we can't make Internet Explorer honour our requests to clear the boxes. If you take a look in Firefox or another CSS compliant browser, it does precisely what it's supposed to - after one box finishes on one side, the next box appears on the other side, as both have clear: left / clear: right (as appropriate), and the text flows straight down the middle, moving where it's supposed to. However, no matter what we do, IE completely ignores the clears, and slaps them next to each other. Suffice to say it's getting rather annoying!

    Anyone got any ideas / workarounds for IE being crap? We've been crawling the 'net to no avail on this one.

    Minimal testcase:


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