CSS menu help?

    Date: 01/21/08 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    (x-posted to graphicdesign)

    I am almost there with a CSS menu but it isn't quite right in IE- can you help?

    css is: http://www.emphasiscreative.com/extranet/dropdowns/SpryAssets/MenuBarHorizontal.css

    Looks ok in Firefox on the Mac- i want it to fill up the row but not go over 1019 pixels.

    In IE on the PC,
    1) top level items are missing the top row of pixels off the background (top grey line), and
    2) WRAPS!! We need it to fill the row but not wrap.

    Any fixes? Thankyouthankyou...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1355486.html

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