Any freelancers care to discuss marketing methods?
Date: 03/03/08
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, google
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If this is not quite on-topic enough here please let me know and I will delete. (On the flip side, if anyone has any suggestions of other communities that this post would be right for, please let me know).
I am wondering if there are any other freelance designers out there who would care to share their thoughts on advertising.
Here is a list I have been compiling. Does anyone care to add to it, or share their own suggestions on how to make anything on it stronger or more effective?
Printed Materials
- display cards - out at places of business whose owners I know
- fliers - on bulletin boards with tearoff contact/website info
- local newspaper ads - (anyone have any suggestions on doing this effectively?)
- Google AdWords
- Craigslist
- Myspace and Merchant Circle - regular bulletin posts, etc. on Myspace
- Meaningful blog / forum discussion and comments.
Previous Customer Marketing
- Regular contact, thank-you notes
- mailers offering 10% off or referral discount to customers I have not heard from in a while