Money question

    Date: 06/05/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I have never done any freelance work for a paying client before. I might be doing some paid web work in the near future for a very small local business. Getting paid is great, but experience and having something to put in my portfolio is even more valuable to me. I would assume an hourly rate is best? As far as how much the rate should be...I am a beginner, but I don't want to sell myself too short. I know I can do a good job. I also don't want to charge too much and risk losing the cliente. I haven't had many opportunities to do actual work, and I'm very excited about this.

    Also, having limited experience with this type of work, I would not be sure of how long this job would take the cliente a price estimate off the bat might be difficult.

    My questions are:
    -Should I charge an hourly rate?
    -If so, what's a fair rate? Or if not, what's a good flat rate for setting up a website? (I know a flat rate probably depends on many factors.)
    -How do I handle an estimate going into the job?

    Thanks everyone!


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