webiste price quote

    Date: 07/01/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, web

    hello fellow designers! i would like to hear your opinions on price quoting for website jobs.

    i've never really done freelance on websites before, but am about to do a small size "5-10 pages" site. i haven't had the official briefing with my client yet, so i don't have details upon the quality of work the company is looking for. ie: flash, html, other added on components, etc.

    in your experience, how would you quote a job of this scale?
    by pages? by hours? as a package price? by method (flash or html)? +extra $ on revisions?

    any help would be lovely, thanx in advance! :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/918070.html

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