Quick Question about validating:
Date: 07/04/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css, html
I'm still very new to the whole validation thing. I always make sure my sites work in both IE and Firefox, but I'm currently trying expand my horizons and build on the basic knowledge I have of html, css, etc.
Anyway, point being. I'm building a site that has a flash movie in it. From what I've read in order to make it work in IE you need the < object ... > and in order for flash to show up in firefox or netscape it needs to also have < embed ...> Now that's all fine and dandy, but it seems that html 4.01 transitional spits it back at me saying embed is no good.
Is there a way around this? Personally I'd rather the flash actually show up in all browsers than having the page validate *L* but it's a little on the irritating side.
Edit: On another tangent, I was searching through other flash pages to see if I could find out how they deal with the problem. I went to coolhomepages.com and hit every page in the flash section for the first few pages. Only about 3 of them had a doctype, and out of those none of them validated.
Do people actually worry about validating their pages?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/919824.html