
    Date: 07/06/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, web

    I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure this one out:

    I'm using Suckerfish Dropdowns on this website, because I really hated the code that Fireworks and Dreamweaver auto-generates for their stupid drop-down menu "feature."

    Open this in IE (I'm using some updated version of 6.0):

    (the page)

    Here is a link to the same file on a non-php server, so you can see the code:

    (the code)

    The second menu item from the right, "Teams," is the only drop-down item on the entire menu bar. It works with that link, and it works when "Keyword Index" or "Links & Resources" are selected from the lefthand gray navigation column. However, if you select "Document Index" or use the Search tool, the menu doesn't work. I've rewritten the PHP so that I know the variables used to generate the menu aren't being used anywhere else, and I still can't get it to work. I'm pretty much at the end of my mental resources on this one. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    [x-posted between '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev.]


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