new graphical designer needs a conceptual explaination

    Date: 08/21/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    So the only kind of web design I have done is with pure code, nothing graphical. so when my new job specified using photoshop and dreamweaver i thought i would try out a photoshop template and see what i can do with it. what i need is more of a conceptual thing: it seems that i need to do the design, including text, for each page in photoshop, save as web and then, in dreamweaver, add any web functionality that i want (links, rollovers, etc.) this is so fdifferent from how i've done it in the past that i want to make sure i understand correctly.

    also, is there a way to make part of the image scrollabe? aka, on a photshop template, have content and text below the image that the user can scroll to? or would that need flash or something else? how are all these things related? here is what i've messed with, so far. it would be nice if the white block with text could scroll so i could put a tall section of images, articles, etc. thanks in advance!


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