css issues

    Date: 08/27/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    I've run into a bit of a brick wall with this css layout thing.

    the html

    the css

    I've only been cross checking firefox and IE for this, and I'm still very new to css so go easy on me *L*

    My problem is everything works fine in firefox, but not IE. It's only 2 little fiddly bits but I want to get it right.


    for some reason isn't lining up properly on the left, the border is about 2px in. I put a float: left in which fixed that problem but messed up the right side of the div in both firefox and IE.

    the second problem might be a little more difficult. I've got a script punked from dynamicdrive.com which makes the drop down menus in the nav. Again, in firefox everything works just fine, but in explorer I've noticed that when you actually drop down the options it shifts the paragraphs in
    over to the right a bit. Not major but still annoying.

    Anybody have any suggestions? Constructive Criticism? Am I doing anything completely wacky? *L* Thanks!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/964897.html

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