Need designers!!!

    Date: 08/31/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    I am looking for web-designers. A friend of mine and I are starting a design company. I am going to be doing back-ends using SiMX's Target platform ( and she will be securing clients and handling the PR.

    We would like to create a library of designers to present to our clients + we need a design for our site (black+gold preferred, but not imperative).

    1. If you send us a mock-up design and we choose you, you become one of our primary designers (naturally). We are running on a tight budget so would prefer if this was a free gig that would take exposure as compensation (read on for why this might be worth it).

    2. If you send us a mock-up and we don't choose it, but like it, it will be added to our library and you will be called upon if one of our clients likes your work.

    3. You are also welcome to send us your portfolio, a link to which would be posted on our site if we like it.

    About the venture: I have been working with SiMX on a platform (TARGET) for rapid data-driven web-app development. The competitive edge will be in the speed with which applications will be developed and adjusted to our clients' needs. Statistically, TARGET accelerates development by 3-5 times, but this will increase as the platform evolves. It has already been used to deliver services for companies ranging from small business to Fortune 500 clients. Check out some demos at

    I am hoping that this venture will turn into an active web-development workshop.

    About my partner: she's a Japanese model with, what looks like, pretty extensive connections and good business presence. That combined with the speed with which applications will be developed may be a perfect blend.

    Also, if you could recommend good web-design communities/resources for either contacts or designs, I would be greatful.

    Please feel free to contact me at


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