A question for the CSS gurus...

    Date: 09/08/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, css

    I'm trying to do nested/threaded commenting system, not unlike what you see here on livejournal, but I really want to do it using CSS + DIV tags instead of using nested tables. Basically, I have a complete comment box that holds all the comments, and then I have a "headers" element that defines the layout of the header. I've been using 'margin-left' to move things to the right by calculating (25 * nested level) as it's value (I'm using PHP). The problem is that moves the whole header outside of the comment box, as shown below:

    This is how I want to make it look, though. See, it seems that there's no way to get CSS to calculate the remaining width of the comment box. Or maybe I'm missing something. I want width:100% to mean 100% of what's left after I set margin-left. Basically, like this:

    Is there something I'm missing? Should I use a container class and set padding-left instead of using the margin-left value of the comment header? Help me out here, this is driving me nuts!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/973560.html

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