
    Date: 09/13/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    attention freelancers!

    help! someone found my website on a link i didn't know i was on, and liked me enough to request a web deisgn for their zine. they wanted a quote but i don't know if i should do an hourly or flat rate. it's an independent zine, and i am not a professional designer, just an artist, BASIC web deisgn by hobby, most likely going to do a clean simple design and simple layout, nothing fancy like flash, etc. just very very simple. any ideas of the price range i should give? and how does consultation usually work? does a designer just design away, or do you show them "sketches" of the layout/navigation to the client? does this factor in as a fee too?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/977880.html

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