
    Date: 09/20/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: asp, web, spam, yahoo

    I work for a great dot-com and everyone here is an expert in some aspect of the Web. As it happens the core techie team is much smaller than the other specialities. As a result it tends to be myself or my team who find new sites or recommend trustworthy technical resources and I'd like to widen that field a bit.

    Yahoo has a system called My Web 2.0 (beta) which I'd love to merge with '[info]'webdesign (this isn't cross-posted). I'm always torn when someone posts a link to a handy new site because when I'm grumpy it looks like spam but when I'm in a better mood the links are almost always useful. I want to get more '[info]'webdesign recommendations but I don't want to encourage people to post links here more often! I think My Web 2.0 is the solution (er, no, I don't work for Yahoo!).

    In short, I'd like to swap My Web 2.0 community invites with people on this group and with my work-based Yahoo alias. I'm Andrew and if you'd like my to invite you to the community you'll need to leave your email as a comment. I suggest either screening the comment so spam-bots can't find it or writing like 'andrew at angrysockpuppet dot com'. I wouldn't mind if people wanted to put their own sites into the system too but perhaps we could tag them "homepages" or "mysite", etc, or even "lj webdesign" as appropriate.


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