Date: 10/10/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, yahoo
x-posted to all over. Sorry!
I posted this a few days ago and deleted it because the circumstances are a little different now. If this isn't allowed here, I'll delete it, but I read the rules and didn't see anything against this.
I'm searching for someone who is good at coding (both for LiveJournal Layouts and Website Designs/Layouts) but doesn't like the actual designing or just is better at the coding/installing of layouts.
The reason is that I have a layout community,
cherryxlayouts, and I need someone to partner up with to run the community. I got a comment in my last post that someone was interested, but I don't think they are anymore considering I haven't gotten an email back in about a week or more. In this "partnership", I would be the designer, and you would be the one doing the coding and also helping anyone who needs help in installing web layouts.
If you'd like to join the community and check it out first, feel free to, but it's really just a rough draft and I'm not done with it yet (such as the sidebar and request posts).
If you're interested, you can comment here, email me at or IM me at galelvr66 (AIM), deviant_queen (YIM), or (MSN) so we can work out the details.
Thank you,
PS. I will delete this post once I find someone to help me. :D