Help, I'm brain-blocked!
Date: 10/16/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: browser, css, html, web
I've been working on this site for most of the morning. I got a job deconstructing a table based layout into full CSS. After a few setbacks (I couldn't seem to get the floats to display properly in all browsers -- which is a major stipulation) I decided on using absolute positioning.
Well, now I got the pages displaying the same in all browsers -- except a medium sized glitch -- I can't figure out how to get all three (or two on the second template) to be the same length.
For example:
On this page -- -- The right and left columns are longer than the middle. I can't seem to get them to perfectly match eachother no materr what the amount of content is within any column. (The second template is here if you need to see -- --) And the CSS is located here:
What I need to do is fix that so all my columns are the same length, no matter how much/little each column contains.
An alternative to this is using a background color to fill in the space that's left, but when I set the background color for my container it doesn't show.
I know that's an easy fix, but after staring at this code/site all morning, my eyes are burning and my brain is blocked. So if anyone can offer me any solutions (that does not include major code reworking) please do!
Thanks in advance guys, you'll be saving me major hours of frustration!!
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