Date: 11/24/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: rss, css, web

    Using Rudy Rucker's FeedBurner as an example ... I thought I had at least a basic understanding of what's what, but how do those background images get in there?

    I have a workable version of his page on disk ... looks fine ... but it's still fetching the images from the Feedburner site and I can't see why.

    see feeds.feedburner.com/~d/styles/rss2enclosuresfull.xsl and feeds.feedburner.com/~d/styles/itemcontent.css

    I /know/ I'm missing something simple ...

    X-posted to '[info]'web_design and '[info]'webtech

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/1021188.html

« need help! || disapearing background image »

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