How to Manage the Monster - Project Management for The Freelance Designer
Date: 12/15/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, software
I just read through this article about properly managing or preventing bad clients by creating a proper work flow:
An excerpt follows:
"Project management for the freelance designer.
You can ask anyone in the creative services industry, everyone at one time or another has had the client from hell. The difference between the good clients and bad clients isn't actually all that great. Most clients are demanding, and what all the projects done yesterday. In my experience good clients and bad clients will push you to do your best work. It's the approach the client takes that makes them feel like the "monster" client. Some clients can be micro-managers, asking you to change the design until it look's like a pile of horse puke, other clients can give you no direction at all yet hate everything you produce. The only constant factor in this equation is you. After working on multi-million accounts with large advertising agencies all the project problems seem to have a common thread.
"Communication is key"
When ever there is a break down in communication the project goes south fast. And the common thread to the communication rests with the designer. It is critical as designers that we communicate effectively with our clients. Part of communicating effectively is using the right tools, and documenting the process. This way as you enter the design phase with a client you can record your communication in a central location so everyone is aware of the process. Many companies use project extranets to post versions of design studies. Regardless if you are a thousand person company or a small interactive company like me a project extranet is critical to communication of the project. By using a project extranet you can post changes to the designs as the client requests them. I typically leave all old versions online so if the client asks for the same change twice I can direct them to previous versions that they didn't like before. (and let me tell you clients often forget what they ask for!)"
He goes on to give eight effective project management steps and a software suggestion. It's a good read.
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