server driven favicon?

    Date: 01/24/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, html

    I'm working on a project for dws scudder and they have favicon showing in FF 1.5 (yes.. IE is flakey with them)

    Here's the weird thing: I just poured over tons of code in html, jhtml, css and js and not once have I found an actual call for a favicon.

    What's even more strange is when I loaded the css and js in the browser directly from the site to look at, the favicon showed up.

    So, I did some digging and saw that CNN has the same thing going on. I go to, look at the code and related items and no where in there is favicon called.

    Digging further, I find that according to Wikipedia:

    -------------- paste --------------

    Note: A file called favicon.ico and located in the document root directory will also be found by some browsers which do not process the link elements, even if it is not linked from anywhere on your site.

    -------------- end --------------

    So.. if this is the case, does this work for all pages (i.e. the loading of css and js?) or only html formed content that's delivered?

    Anyone have a word on this? And should the reliance of favicon.ico in the directory or some other method be allowed in place of an actual call in the ?


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