A word of advice

    Date: 02/15/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: hosting

    IF you are lookign for hosting, avoid Accuburst.com at all costs. I'm with them now, and I'm in the process of changing my hosting to Dreamhost.

    Accuburst is good at returning email to their sales department, but terrible when it comes to support after they have your money.
    The current problem is their servers have been up and down over the last 4 days, with email bounching, etc.

    Want to see some *not* happy customers, and support blowing smoke up people's backsides? Go look at thier support forums.

    I shold have know something was up then you have to dig through a forum to find DNS settings.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but if my sites are down, and my clients aren't happy, I'm not making money.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1061572.html

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