Oh help! Who should host my site?

    Date: 02/18/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: rss, css, web, hosting

    I've created a new website (Simple Vegetarian Recipes) as step one in trying to write a vegetarian cookbook. To make the site, I paid $299 for a service that does a whole bunch of stuff for you to help you submit it to search engines and the like.

    Long story short (and I find it to be a funny story) I am on the brink of getting a refund and taking my site elsewhere. Except this service does a few things that I don't know how to do. Namely, they create and automatically update a sitemap for me, and they set up an RSS feed for me. They also use CSS, which I don't know how to do. I'm not sure how it's gonna work when I take my site somewhere else exactly. I know where I can go to get the site set up somewhere else, and fortunately, I don't even think too many links will break. Any recommendations on where I can take the site or how I can set this stuff up?

    The short story is that the webhosting people are NUTS. Some lady put her site in a forum called "Submit Site for Review" and it was a terrible site and I told her that. Actually, I clicked on it hoping it would be great. It is about gardening. I wanted to bookmark it and use it as a primary resource in creating a garden. But it's a sales pitch with no content. The site drove me away and I told her why. She got all bent out of shape over it, and things kind of snowballed. I thought she would thank me for telling her why her site isn't doing well. That's why she asked to have it reviewed, right?

    The owner of the company is now involved in all of this. It's like living in some altnerative world where everyone is crazy. I found a way to optimize the UI of the site and I put my suggestion into another forum. The woman with the bad gardening site found my post and put a link to the original post there, and lo and behold, the millionaire owner of the company found the thread and posted a reply. I really don't appreciate his patronizing attitude towards me. So now he's threatening to give me a week to move my site and then to refund my money - and I'm more than glad to take the refund and move. I just don't know where to go!!!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1064613.html

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