small thumbnails to larger images on the same page??

    Date: 02/22/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    I'm currently making (yet another) portfolio web site. My main structure is fairly common--- a series (maybe 10-16) of tiny thumbnails of images is on the left. You rollover one of the small jpgs and a larger version of it appears on the same page off to the right. I've been trying to figure out how the heck to do this the most efficient way. I could easily do it in Flash, but am wondering if there's a better way since these images are fairly large for jpgs. I don't want to use frames and my CSS isn't great. (I'm fairly good with Dreamweaver and would rather not code if possible-- is there a behavior (other than the hide/show layers) that I'm missing that exists in Dreamweaver MX for this sort of thing???) Anyone have any suggestions or can point me to some dummy tutorials? Sorry if this is a very stupid question.


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