not exactly design but...i need web help :(

    Date: 02/24/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser

    Ok.. first off i'm not sure how to phrase or if this is the right place to ask so...sorry for the rambling.. but.. here goes nothing...

    I have about 7 .mov files embeded on 7 different pages. They work fine.. they load fine. BUT my client says that most of his prospective clients have PCs withOUT quicktime and he wants to make it easy for them to view , and can i make them AVI files instead. (i know.. i know.. )
    So I do that...but then my embed tag doesnt seem to work for some reason...

    I found a way to insert> video but that will play my AVI files but it only works with IE.

    So here's my question. How can i have one page check for the browser and then choose which string of code to read?
    I don't know if that made sence but i now there's a way to have a page determine the browser.. i just.. dont know how.. and i'm not sure i can have it then go read the line that will work on said browser.
    Any links or help would be helpful.. thanks!

    OK.. so.. heh, i have new problem.
    Now the my object tag isnt working.. See here>

    ideas anyone?


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