&@$%!%& DOCTYPE!

    Date: 02/28/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    I just spent 45 minutes trying to fix a site that wasn't really broken.

    I am using a lot of height="100%" calls and things like that to make the pages be 100% high so those that do not have a lot of text won't just end half way down the page. The content is being placed in a master table that's 760 wide and centered.

    I had no DOCTYPE call on most pages, so I put in

    But after fighting with height issues on each page, backgrounds in table menus that were appearing and disappearing, I went to a older page I did and discovered that the doctype I used was this:

    So I put that back in all my pages and now things work ok.


    If anyone wants to look at the code at www.conxis.com/riverview and tell me a better way to do height calls without playing funky pure CSS games it would be appreciated.

    I'm not a huge fan of CSS for everything because I have seen a lot of issues with text overlaping graphical elements.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1073113.html

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