what's an explicit package name?

    Date: 03/01/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: web

    So I've been using Movable Type on a website's blog and installed a plugin called statwatch which lets me see how many hits it gets, where it's linked from, and so on. Now on the activity log. i get tons and tons of these messages. it isn't doing anything bad as far as i'm aware except being amazingly obnoxious. I redownloaded this bigpapi thing that runs a ton of plugins and uploaded it, but it still get this same message. what do i have to fix so this thing shuts up?

    Plugin error: /blog-mt1/plugins/_BigPAPI.pl Global symbol "$cache_dir" requires explicit package name at /blog-mt1/plugins/_BigPAPI.pl line 116. Global symbol "$cache_dir" requires explicit package name at /blog-mt1/plugins/_BigPAPI.pl line 116. Compilati

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1074063.html

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