Anyone looking for portfolio work?

    Date: 03/11/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, hosting

    Hey guys,

    I know most people here already have their own businesses or get by on freelance - but is anyone looking for portfolio work? I have a non-profit job on my plate, and I just don't have the time for it now. It's a pro-bono job, but something that could be potentially great on a portfolio. Like I said the site is for a non-profit which will be based on typepad. The owner has already bought her domain, and hosting and has a blog through type-pad (completely customizable).

    If anyone is interested please, please give me a shout. If you have your own site, or one or two you have designed before for others it would be great to see so I would know you would be able to do the job. Previous experience with typepad or movable type is a plus! the logo graphic is done. Basically what you would be required to do is just set up the site template, and configure the site for the owner to add content.

    XHTML/CSS designers only. NO tables.

    More information will be provided when I've found someone.



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