First name domain names
Date: 01/04/07
Keywords: no keywords
Would you please help me with a small informal survey?
1. What is your first name?
2. How much would you be willing to pay for that as a .com domain name? For instance, if your name is Andrea, how much would you pay for andrea.com?
3. If you've seen any other first name domains sold, what was the domain and how much did it sell for?
I'm just trying to understand the market value for domain names that are somebody's first name. Thank you!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1202100.html
just wondering
Date: 01/04/07
Keywords: no keywords
is there a way to make the tranquility II layout's width dynamic? to fit the images?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1201683.html
Batch Edit?
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: html
Is it possible to batch edit a series of html files?
I have about 60 pages that a small snippet of code as was wondering if there was a better way that pasting and saving, pasting and saving, etc etc.
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1201528.html
webdesign help needed
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: programming, web
Hey everyone!
I'm working on a project that will be entirely centered around and operated through a website. I have the contents and the basic design, but I lack the webdesign and programming skills to make it happen, so I'm looking for someone to be my partner in crime. This is purely a hobby project and I won't make a single cent from it so I can't pay you in money, but you get full credit (regardless of how much or little of the design is yours to begin with), my eternal gratitude and as many cookies as you want.
I'm keen to get started asap, so if you're interested, please get in touch with me as soon as possible!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1201369.html
HTML Etiquette
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: css
Greets folks, I've never really known the answer to this, but what's the etiquette as far as multiple header tags are concerned.
For instance:
<h1>Header One</h1>
<h1>Header Two</h1>
Granted I could use h2, but in my CSS I'd rather just define the one header considering I'm going to have about 9 headers.
Just curious, thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1200617.html
Website check request
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: browser, web
Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('
') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
After much beating of head against wall, doing everything the impossible way at least once, and general blundering, I _finally_ have the portfolio website 1.0 up.
Am looking for feedback. It's bleedingly simple, but I need feedback on links, behaviour, usability, and how it's behaving with your browser and platform.
Yes, I have more work to put on display, and yes I can do more than just production. But this is what I could get done in the time available and this is to put the bread on the table _now_.
Code geeks, I welcome any of your suggestions or pointers. I'm an old print hand... am still working on the web skills.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1200271.html
info gathering form for new clients
Date: 01/02/07
Keywords: asp, web
happy new year buddies
does anyone have a form they use to give potential new clients looking for websites? like an info gathering form like "what kind of look and feel, how many pages do you need, what kind of timeline" etc? i'm realizing i need to start getting more info from my clients before i start work.
i know i've seen one of these forms before i just can't remember where.
edit: i've found this http://www.rgdontario.com/lookItUp/publications/handbook/default.asp but the design/client brief form isn't that detailed.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1199928.html
flash links
Date: 01/02/07
Keywords: html
im building an html site, but my four major links are flash elements. the tabs slide in and out.
screen cap here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/llllxstarxllll/Picture2.png
so after a lot of trouble and bad internet tutorials i figured out how to get them to slide in and out on a roll over. but now i cant figure out how to make them links. i thought this was something achieveable in dreamweaver but it looks like i have to do it with action script?
so, im confused and if anyone can help me out that would be fantastic.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1199639.html
Web Calendar Software...does this exist?
Date: 01/02/07
Keywords: php, software, web, microsoft
Hi, I'm looking for some commercial software, more specifically, a calendar that can be hosted on a webserver, accessed and edited by multiple users, give the admin different control levels, and have a ton of room for customization. I'm doing web development for a non profit organization.
Here is the problem, everything that I've provided and shown my boss is either 1. not *pretty* or professional looking enough or 2. not what he needs (canned software that can't be customized enough to fit his organization's needs.
I've tried to tell him that other than having a small company develop the program entirely from scratch, there is not really anything else we can really do.
The closest thing I've come to his approval is the calendar available at http://www.mhsoftware.com, but he doesn't like the day view mode of the calendar.
I've told him instead of shelling out all kinds of cash for software to be developed specifically for him we instead could use certain elements of the calendar and the rest could be php scripts containing forms, tables, etc. Well he still has me looking so what I want to know is, has anyone seen a commercially available calendar application that can be hosted on the web and have a ton of room for customization?
Cost doesn't seem to be an issue either.
The example he gave me of what he wishes it to be like is his calender on...AOL. :(
The biggest problem is this is an exact copy of the email I get from this organizations office when I presented them with a letter similar to this.
That was the email I got...wow. I'll call MS right up and have them get to work on the application...It's becoming a real problem trying to get them to understand anything.
Thanks for any help x-posted to a few other places.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1199431.html
Windows FTP
Date: 01/01/07
Keywords: software
Hi everyone!
Can any of you suggest free Windows FTP client software that, like Cyberduck for the Mac, will seamlessly integrate with external editors?
Actually, can anyone suggest free Windows external editors?
(I use a Mac but I need to help a Windows-user access and edit my site's files.)
Thanks very much. :)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1198952.html
Self Identity + Web
Date: 12/30/06
Keywords: web
Hey everyone... I'm working on designing an identity for myself (logo, business card, letter head, website). I've already got a logo (http://filebox.vt.edu/users/araja/logo.jpg) - but am trying to brainstorm ideas for the rest.
Any examples of identities you guys have done for yourselves (not for corporate entities), or that you find to be good examples? I'm especially interested to see the relationship between the print and web (how the logo on the business card translates to the web portfolio, for example).
Thanks a bunch.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1198415.html
Correct way to design?
Date: 12/29/06
Keywords: browser, css, web
Hello, I'm new to this community and I've had this question bugging me for an eternity (well okay, maybe not that long). What is the "correct" way to Web Design.
This question came to me because I've had a domain for about Four years now, and I haven't been able to do much with it to tell you the truth. It's just a place for me to keep practicing web design. Well. I've gotten many complaints from visitors from how I designed my web site. Personally, I don't give fucking damn about what someone thinks, it's just kind of frustrating when so many people tell me different things.
So my question to you is, what is the correct way to design? Is there a correct way? Or is it just however feels right to the designer? I don't think there's a goddamn correct way, I just think there's just many different ways and that it's up to the web designer to choose the "best" way.
What's your opinion? Or can you give an answer to my question?
Thank you for your comments!
Now: I guess I should've mentioned what I use. When designing a website, I usually use "tables" but I've heard CSS Div layers were better. But some browsers do not support CSS so what am I to use?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1198150.html
wefeelfine screensaver?
Date: 12/29/06
Keywords: programming, html, java, web
i am in love with www.wefeelfine.org, and ever since i fell in love with it i've thought it would make a spectacular screensaver, but i can't seem to figure out a feasible way to do so
there are several programs that allow you to use a website as a screensaver but the problem is that once the site is loaded java says something along the lines of "please click on this applet to focus" - which means that nothing displays and the purpose is defeated
does anybody have any ideas of how to get around this? or how i could get some sort of wefeelfine.org screensaver?
the author wishes for the same thing:
Unfortunately, the "please click here to focus" is a property of a java applet and not something we programmed in.
Sorry about that!
On 12/29/06, Jamie Martin wrote:
Thanks for your quick response!
Is there a way for the code to be modified to remove the "please click
here to focus" part? To where it just automatically goes into the
You have wefeelfine_pc.html and I assume wefeelfine_mac.html, it could be
wefeelfine_noclick.html or something like that?
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 19:19:23 -0700, Sep Kamvar wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> I'd love it if somebody were to make a screensaver.
> One way to do this is to, write a script that each day downloads the
> montages:
> the pattern is:
> http://www.wefeelfine.org/data/images/2006/12/05/*montage.jpg
> And then make a screensaver that cycles through the montages that have
> been
> downloaded. As far as I know, there are screensavers that will take a
> group
> of images and will make a screensaver that cycles through them.
> Let me know if you end up making one. I'd love one for myself :)
> Sep
> On 12/28/06, Jamie Martin wrote:
>> This would be an amazing amazing screensaver, has there been anybody
>> who's
>> tried to do that?
>> I have a program that will use a URL as a screensaver but when I put in
>> http://www.wefeelfine.org/wefeelfine_pc.html it doesn't work because it
>> says "please click to activate this control" within the applet.
>> Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks. :)
so yes, if you or and of your programming friends have any ideas tha'd be cool.
otherwise go enjoy www.wefeelfine.org, it's neat
edit: submitted to digg, if you wouldn't mind digging this, i think maybe we could get help with that kind of exposure, thanks! :]
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1197907.html
I need help so badly...
Date: 12/22/06
Keywords: web
Hello guys, I'm really hoping you can help me. I'm pretty much desperate. Not asking you to completely design something for me, but.. here's my problem.
I'm in my final year for the second time, I had to redo this semester because I couldn't pass. I've been having a lot of problems with designing - it's like I've almost lost the fun I always used to have with it. It's really hard to keep coming with sketches and designs, but I have to, because if I don't pass this time, I'll totally fail.
The site I've been struggling with is the following : http://www.nadiemasquetu.com/preciosa/rpv/index.htm This is the second (detailed worked out version) I have made of the site. It's in Dutch, but you'll be able to see how the menu works - it does by the circles. This is about an Arthritis organisation, so I choose for the concept of using the circles/menu options on the places of the body where arthritis hits the hardest.
The critic of my teachers was there there wasn't enough "designed" in this website, I hope you can understand what they mean with that. I assume they mean the lot of "whites" and all, but I just can't.. can't come up with any good ideas to improve it. Also, at first on the main page, the circles are on the "sensitive arthritis areas", but when you go deeper into the side, they line up like the spine - because else it's not working well, IMO. But, that's very wrong in my teacher's eyes.
So could you help me perhaps with some constructive critic, and suggestions on what I should change? Do you think the concept itself is good enough, or that I should go for something else? I have to work with the logo and the pink/purple colors, unfortunately. Any kind of help and suggestions would be SO very much appreciated, I'm dying here.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1197180.html
I need so much web help I don't know where to begin
Date: 12/22/06
Keywords: browser, web
First of all, I want to say sorry for posting this in multiple places but I need all the help I can get.
I am a novice webmaster. I learned most of what I know by clicking view source, seeing where people had text, adding my own and slightly modifying those pages. Therefore, saying that I don't know what I'm doing is an understatement. I usually find programs to do the things I need to get done like menus (deluexe menues), web dwarf and my latests installment, Dreamweaver 8 which I have no freaking clue how to use to it's full potential.
My club's webpage needs serious work. One issue is the menu. Since it's from a program, it says trial menu on top of it, disabling people from clicking the links. Two is the overall layout. It's boring, it's plain. I want to stick to the color scheme of red, black and white. I'm having alignment problems, browser problems (looks one way in IE vs Firefox) and a whole medley of other problems. My club has a forum which I've been posting screen caps of the mistakes in the website and pleading for help. Turns out, I'm practically the only one who knows how to do anything web wise which meant I'm on my own. I had one guy reply but due to my lack of knowledge, he was way over my head.
Here is the forum post. Feel free to read it, look at the screen caps and comments. I've set the board so that anyone may leave comments. I would be grateful for some help. I've been frustrated over this issue way too long. Thank You
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1196824.html
Date: 12/21/06
Keywords: css, seo
Greets folks, I posted earlier about possibly using an image map in my header, but it doesnt seem like a great idea. Anyways, here's the requested mock-up.
What I'd like is to have this image as my header essentially.

...and when you mouseover, you get this:

Thoughts on the best way to do this?
CSS for the win!
P.S. Sorry about the image quality, trying to save you guys some load time; you get the idea though.
Thanks all.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1196678.html
Liquid Image Map
Date: 12/18/06
Keywords: no keywords
Liquid image map... possible?
I have a liquid layout, but the header, that doubles as the menu, must be liquid as well. Any hint or tips?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1196085.html
html email
Date: 12/16/06
Keywords: css, html
Hey folks, I'm stumped and need your help.
I'm working on an html email which has a background image. Apparently gmail doesn't play nice with the css for backgrounds so I need to find a way around this. I've tried going back to using html to just format the background, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the background to not tile.
There had to be a way to do this back in the days before css right?? Does anybody remember how to do this?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1195887.html
creating polls (huge security hole?)
Date: 12/15/06
Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web
So I'm reading a tutorial on creating polls using MySQL and PHP, and this is the php side of it.
Is it me, or is this extremely bad to put on a webpage, what with it requiring a usename and password? Am I just not reading it properly?
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'user';
$pass = 'pass';
$db = 'polls';
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "Grand Old Opera Poll\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "See vote totals
print "\n";
print "\n";
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1195771.html
dropdown menu + dreamweaver problem
Date: 12/14/06
Keywords: css
hey buddies
the other day i posted about having problems with a transparent css dropdown menu. i figured it out, and even got it to mostly work in IE6. if you ever want to know how to do it, contact me and i'll send you a link or the code. i don't know if it's cool to post the site - are there any complex legalities around posting client sites before they're live? regardless, i will post it when it's live.
now my problem of the day is that my find and replace panel has disappeared in dreamweaver 8. i'm going to try trashing my preferences but i can't even remember where those are. any suggestions? when i select find and replace from the menu, it just doesn't appear. it happened the other day when i unplugged my laptop from my monitor - when i plugged the monitor back in, the panel was like, left on that monitor. but i've restarted and everything and the monitor is plugged in and it is no where to be found.
thanks for any help.
edit: i found my preferences, trashed them, and the panel came back. hooray.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1195404.html