CSS and Firefox
Date: 03/07/08
Keywords: php, css, html
Hello all. I'm hoping somebody can help me out here. I'm usually able to get my CSS styles working in IE and Firefox with no problems, but for some reason this new site I'm working on is giving me some issues. In IE, of course, everything works great.. but in Firefox, my secondary pages are not displaying correctly, and I cannot get some links to work. Behind the cut, I'm posting code and examples.
In my css file, I believe this is the portion that's causing problems:
#wrapper {position: relative;
width: 800px;
background: url('../images/bg.png');
background-repeat: repeat-y;
margin: auto;}
#container {position: relative;
width: 100%;
background: transparent;
float: left;}
#content_top {position: relative;
background: url('../images/content_top.png') no-repeat;
width: 650px;
height: 18px;
margin: 0px auto;}
#content {position: relative;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
width: 650px;
min-height: 300px;
background: url('../images/content_bg.png') repeat-y;
text-align: center;}
#content_foot {position: relative;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
width: 650px;
height: 18px;
background: url('../images/content_foot.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;}
#footer {position: relative;
width: 800px;
background: transparent;
margin: 10px auto 10px auto;}
On my index page, everything looks ok, but on secondary pages, it displays like this in IE and Firefox:


This is the HTML layout of my secondary pages:
Main Menu American Restaurants 0){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ echo " View All "; echo " {$row['name']}"; echo " "; echo " {$row['address']} "; echo "{$row['city']}, {$row['state']} {$row['zip']} "; echo "{$row['phone']} "; echo " Type of Cuisine: {$row['type']} "; echo " Style: {$row['style']} "; echo " Hours: {$row['hours']} "; echo " Meals: {$row['meals']} "; echo " Prices: {$row['prices']} "; echo " Payment Notes: {$row['payment_notes']} "; echo " Payment Methods: {$row['payment_methods']} "; echo " Alcohol: {$row['alcohol']} "; echo " Handicap Access: {$row['handicap_access']} "; echo " Seating Capacity: {$row['seating_capacity']} "; echo " Parking: {$row['parking']} "; echo " Smoking: {$row['seating']} "; echo " Reservations: {$row['reservations']} "; echo " Attire: {$row['attire']} "; echo " Age Restrictions: {$row['age_restrictions']} "; echo " Services: {$row['services']} "; } } else if (mysql_num_rows($res2) > 0){ while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)){ echo " For more information, click on a restaurant name. "; echo " "; echo " {$row2['address']} "; echo "{$row2['city']}, {$row2['state']} {$row2['zip']} "; echo "{$row2['phone']} "; echo "
"; } echo " "; if ($page1 > 1) { $prev = ($page1 - 1); echo " << Next 10 "; } if ($page1 < $total_pages) { $next = ($page1 + 1); echo " Previous 10 >>"; } } ?>
I don't believe it has anything to do with my php because I've had no issues with this on other sites, and again, everything works with that in IE. Can anyone suggest some changes to make so this site looks right in Firefox as well? I've been racking my brain for a few days and cannot for the life of me figure out what the deal is. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1366059.html
Web Design RFQ
Date: 03/06/08
Keywords: web
I all the sudden find myself on the other side of the design table and in management. I have to write a 'request for quotes' for my employers website. I've always been the designer but now I'm the manager. Can anyone give me advice on what is typically included in an rfq? In all of my years of design work, I've never encountered one - it's always been fairly casual/word-of-mouth type stuff that got work for me.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1365933.html
Pricing question
Date: 03/05/08
Keywords: html
Yeah, I know there's a million of these. I have searched this community, however, and haven't found was I was looking for. So now there will be a million and one.
I will be making a site for someone soon. It's a simple site that will have graphic and text elements and that's pretty much it. I will be doing everything, from the graphics to the HTML, but find that I don't know how much to charge.
Reading through this community and other related ones on LJ, I've seen recommended price quotes that have made my eyes bug out. I know I couldn't charge that much--I'm still a student (graphic design) and don't know anything more advanced than HTML and some Dreamweaver techniques. Still, this is a paying job, and my client needs to know how much I'm charging.
I would like an hourly rate to start from. If necessary, I can then calculate a flat rate for the entire project and then something for continued maintenance. So....yeah. Any suggestions?
Also....just in case anyone happens to care....I am currently in the process of re-doing my personal site from the ground up. As such, it sucks right now. Please don't judge me :P
Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1365701.html
Photo gallery
Date: 03/05/08
Keywords: web
I have a question -- am looking for suggestions...
For a website I've put together, the client wants to have a Photo gallery with images of their products, with a short description for each.
This is fine and easy using the photos they've given me.
However, they want to be able to be able to edit and add more photos themselves eventually.
So I am wondering what the best and easiest way to go about this might be, so that I can set it up in a way that I can then easily tell them how they can add images the gallery.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1365308.html
Any freelancers care to discuss marketing methods?
Date: 03/03/08
Keywords: web, google
(x-posted to
If this is not quite on-topic enough here please let me know and I will delete. (On the flip side, if anyone has any suggestions of other communities that this post would be right for, please let me know).
I am wondering if there are any other freelance designers out there who would care to share their thoughts on advertising.
Here is a list I have been compiling. Does anyone care to add to it, or share their own suggestions on how to make anything on it stronger or more effective?
Printed Materials
- display cards - out at places of business whose owners I know
- fliers - on bulletin boards with tearoff contact/website info
- local newspaper ads - (anyone have any suggestions on doing this effectively?)
- Google AdWords
- Craigslist
- Myspace and Merchant Circle - regular bulletin posts, etc. on Myspace
- Meaningful blog / forum discussion and comments.
Previous Customer Marketing
- Regular contact, thank-you notes
- mailers offering 10% off or referral discount to customers I have not heard from in a while
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1365237.html
flash cs3 script.js file?
Date: 02/28/08
Keywords: no keywords
I just recently upgraded to flash cs3 and am wondering what the deal is with this .js file that occurs when I publish a file. I don't recall having to deal with this when in mx 2004, and without it, nothing is viewable on-line.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1364548.html
authorize.net reseller question
Date: 02/25/08
Keywords: no keywords
Question to all those who process online payments. What resellers would you suggest to get an authorize.net account + payment gateway?
I was looking at payquake.com but found out that they only let you process payments from one domain for each account. I work for a school that owns multiple that we would process payments from.
Any suggestions?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1364000.html
Page Test, anyone?
Date: 02/24/08
Keywords: browser, css, html, linux
I have a newly constructed page up that I need tested before proceeding further. The page is a new template page for the portfolio site and is light years ahead of the last one. It's built using XHTML strict compliant CSS; I need to see how it explodes in order to add the correct browser fixes.
I'd be delighted if you could screen capture what you see, and email it back to me at shirley_at_velochic.ca along with the OS and browser types and version numbers. I especially need to know what Linux and older Mac users are seeing.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1363735.html
Spider/crawl large sites
Date: 02/23/08
Keywords: web, google
Hi, I need to create a compliant sitemap for a very large website and continually run into timeout issues. I assume I need to break the job into several sub-sitemaps and then merge into one later. Google's sitemap_gen.py doesn't seem to let me select a set of files to index, so I would have to manually exclude hundreds of filenames which would take forever.
Are there other sitemapping tools available which allow for specific pages to be indexed (one page handles content for thousands of sub-pages on this site)?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1363529.html
CSS background image in FF
Date: 02/22/08
Keywords: css, html
2 problems
Im having problems with FF vs internet explorer - ironically IE is doing what i want it to do...
I have a #main_image div with a png set as a background. The div has a height of 437px and width of 1032px.
Also...my lists are not floating left and I have no idea why...
screenshots below the cut


Heres the link to the page http://nikibrown.com/auction_hound/index2.html - the css is in the page as well.
xposted to graphicdesign
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1363432.html
Progressive Image IE
Date: 02/22/08
Keywords: no keywords
Loading a large image (not really that big, about 180k is all).
I used a progressive JPEG for the compression.
On dial-up with Firefox….it works wonderfully, instantly responding and loading, as one might expect with a progressive JPEG. (Great user feedback)
Internet Explorer doesn’t seem to recognize the progressive nature of the file, and doesn’t show the image until the entire time has been downloaded. (This is undesirable)
I think the easiest solution might be to create a layer that says (essentially but not exactly) “Loading…please wait”, and put the image above that.
Reasonable? Thanks!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1363163.html
.ca domains
Date: 02/22/08
Keywords: no keywords
I am in urgent need of this information as I need to do this ASAP.
Hopefully someone here can help me. :)
All the .ca domain registering sites look sketchy. I know they more than likely aren't, it's just how they look.
So, does anyone know of a reliable registrar for the .ca domain?
I would greatly appreciate that knowledge.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1362866.html
The Future Of Social Networking
Date: 02/22/08
Keywords: no keywords
0. Introduction.
Almost three years ago, I started the Appleseed Project as a way to start experimenting with the idea of distributed social networking. Armed with enough hubris and naivete to think I could build it alone, I coded and coded until I got to the point I am now: With a project that stands at around 75% complete, it functions as a sort of proof-of-concept for distributed social networking in general. I've learned a lot, however, about the technological hurdles and impact that a truly open and distributed social networking platform could provide.
I'm writing this as a way to present my ideas and what I've learned in the hopes that an open and distributed solution becomes the direction that social networking takes. Although I would be happiest to see Appleseed succeed, I'd be excited to see any open and distributed social networking solution be adopted and replace the walled gardens that currently dot the internet landscape.
Read More
(note: please digg this up if you have a digg.com account!)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1362663.html
Styling checkboxes and radio buttons?
Date: 02/22/08
Keywords: no keywords
My boss wants me to style the checkboxes and radio buttons on our site so they are flat outline circles / squares (like you can do for text boxes rather than the standard rendering) but I don't know how to. Everything I've tried (putting borders on the boxes / radio buttons etc) hasn't worked and everything I've found hasn't been that helpful - they all say it can't be done. My boss is convinced it can be.
Any insight on how to do this?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1362230.html
IE6 and Transparency
Date: 02/21/08
Keywords: browser, css, java, web
Here's my deal.
Try to visualize it, because the site's not live yet.
I have a pretty cool moving background for a website that my client really likes. However, I feel like it interferes with the readability of the content and just makes it look a little less professional.
My possible solution is to put the content in its own div with a border and a partially transparent background. I get my readability and it looks a little more... grown-up... but the moving background still shines through somewhat.
I accomplished this by using a partially-transparent .png as a background image. I know there are some CSS codes that will make something partially transparent, but I haven't seen any that work in all browsers. The .png seems to work in all browsers but, of course, IE6. it's totally opaque in IE6, defeating the purpose of the background thing.
My question is this: is there a way to perform a browser check and conditionally make there be NO background image if it's IE6? I've seen If IE statements in javascript, but is there a way to specifically isolate version 6 -- and then, I don't know, link to a different stylesheet or whatever would need to be done?
I'm not super amazing with javascript, but I know the very basics and have muddled through a lot of java-script-requiring stuff with the help of tutorials.
Alternatively, am I being a dumbface--is there some easy way to make the background color of a div appear as partially transparent, even in IE6?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1362013.html
css help
Date: 02/21/08
Keywords: css
i am trying to push myself in my basics of css. i don't know a heck of a lot an hope to grow more in my css knowledge. most of that comes from looking through the css of other sites and in books and fourms. however i have ran into two css questions i can't find a clear direction for.
1) i need to have both email address on this page be clickable. however my alink (which is set for the footer link) dominates both links and i want the body link (the brown text) to stay the same size and color. so how can i set that up?
2) i want to close up the space between the phone number and ©2008 lines. any ideas on how i can make that happen?

thanks for your time and help.
.p {
font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
.legal {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.legalbig {
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
a:link {
Phone: (425) 555-5555 E-mail: contact@ghxcorp.com Ghx Corp
Kirkland, Washington 98083
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1361778.html
Auctioning off design service?
Date: 02/17/08
Keywords: web, ebay
It was recently suggested to me that I try "auctioning off" my web design service on ebay, in an effort to "lure in" new clients and get some extra money. But I've never done anything like this before, and my friend, who has years more experience than I do (and thus would probably know more about this option), can't be reached.
So I'm asking here. Is this generally a good idea? If you've done it yourself, how does it work? Any big problems? If I'm very upfront about my terms and what I can do, does this help? If this is indeed a bad idea, what is a good alternative?
x-posted to
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1361433.html
Website revamp
Date: 02/17/08
Keywords: web
So I'm working on updating/redoing my web portfolio. I've found, through trial and error, that the more complex I make my navigation system, the more horizontal the navigational web diagram, the less likely I am to keep the site updated. The goal with this version is a simple 1-page web presence that acts as a "teaser" for potential clients and employers. For reference, my current website can be found at http://www.filebox.vt.edu/users/araja.

[Click for larger, yet still low res, image]
Basically, the boxes at the top act as navigation, linking to bookmarks at the beginning of each section below. The "works" section has black boxes that represent thumbnails linking to flash files (that will slide show images for each project).
The goal was simple up keep, simple navigation, to the point design, no fuss, without being stark/boring. My interior design work tends to be fun, I enjoy toying with whimsy in even corporate projects, so I wanted the site to reflect that. This is also part of a "renovation" of my identity (the aesthetic of the site will reflect that of the printed materials in my promo package).
I'd love some constructive criticism, anything you can dish, before I start breaking this bad boy up into code-able chunks.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1361167.html
What's Your...
Date: 02/15/08
Keywords: web
... favourite photo album utility for web site galleries?
I need to replace a ghetto photo album on a website with something sexy.
It needs to be free.
Oh, I guess I should mention that it needs to be stupid easy for the client to upload photos and manage the galleries. As a reference point, the client is at the "Okay, my computer won't turn on. Oh hey, maybe I should plug this in!" experience level when it comes to computers.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1361054.html
Need a custom made layout?
Date: 02/14/08
Keywords: web
Hey guys~ I dunno if this is considered a nuisance or not, but Im giving it a shot.
I'm trying to find some commission work so I can pay off some bills I have. I love making layouts and graphics, especially anything gaming related, so I was wondering if anyone here needed something designed? Below are some examples of my work.
If you like my work even remotely, please let me know and consider. vera_verus@hotmail.com is my email if you have any questions. I will love you forever! Also thank you very much for even taking time to read this. <3
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1360873.html