Bad algorithm

    Date: 06/07/06 (Algorithms)    Keywords: no keywords

    I think it's sad when educational institutions have errors in their pages. Here is one on a SparkNotes page.

    (The below code is not mine, it is copied from the above page.)

    void print_permutations(int arr[], int n, int i)
        int j, swap;
        for (j=i+1; j
    Now, there is an error in the for loop where the j should be j++, but even more than that, the purpose of this function (supposedly) is to print all permutations of a data set. I traced it on paper and got 16 (instead of 24,the intended number) , so I figured I'd traced it wrong, and double-checked my work. Then I ran it in a compiler where I in fact got 16 results.

    Now, I'm curious if I'm misunderstanding something very fundamental. Does "Let's write a function to take an array of integers and print out every permutation of it" have some meaning different than I think it does? Or is this "study guide" page really just spouting misinformation? Any idea on what the code is really supposed to look like?


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