A Search for suitable algorithms.

    Date: 08/02/06 (Algorithms)    Keywords: programming

    Hello everyone. Longtime member-first time poster here. I was wondering if any of you could aid me in some research I'm doing while on my summer student placement. I am attempting to find a suitable algorithm that satifies the following requirements for use in a project:

    The algorithm is to be used for returning a set of 0-1 decisions from a set of options.

    There are an unlimited number of possible items (aka Interventions) to choose from, but for the purpose of aiding the search for a suitable algorithm an arbitrary limit of 1000 has been chosen.

    The decision can only be a sequence of Yes-No/0-1 answers.

    The may be some dependencies involved between items.

    Can support up to 8 constraints, of differing designations i.e. Cost, Risk or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as the metric of water leakage.

    Only one variable can be minimised/maximised at any one time e.g. minimise risk for set cost or vice versa.

    It certainly seems to be a binary integer programming problem. I have looked into the possibility of using a 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MKP) but have found little information on how to model one, or a decent example. I'm using ILOG OPL Dev Studio 4.2.

    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/algorithms/81985.html

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