lethargicness as an algorithm

    Date: 08/18/07 (Algorithms)    Keywords: software

    hello. new here. i don't think  that i've posted here before. but anyways, i've been having a persistent algorithm w/ my desktop. it's been going slow – so slow that it's nearly grinding. it almost does this on a schedule like about 8 or 8:30 a.m. every morning. i have to reboot it for a while to get it to pick up its speed. after i reboot for the day, it runs like new. it could be a ram-related problem, but whenever i go to shut it down, it tells me it's running another program. i never asked it to run another program (that i know of or recall).

    to answer your questions: yes. it is a a part of a 4+ puter network. it has been so since it's been bought. the prototype is a dell, i believe. several yrs old.

    question: is there anything that i could've scheduled it to do and forgot about that's been causing this retardation? is it a sign of age or a combination of varied factors? i haven't messed w/ this thing in quite a while and have a limited knowledge of computer use. it's been getting worse than usual lately.

    lastly, if this is more of a tech-support-related question, then forgive it. i'll post it there later.

    ::PS:: i've also programmed this thing to stealth mode, though not totally since that requires software that i'm not willin' to purchase because i'm a tight-wad. fyi.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/algorithms/91587.html

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