Students Design Competition

    Date: 10/13/07 (Algorithms)    Keywords: programming, web

    To those interested in programming, A.I., robotics, real-time systems.

    RTSS 2007 - 3rd Students Design Competition
    Dec 3, 2007
    Tucson, Arizona, USA


    A competition among autonomous robotic agents that have to rescue
    three rally teams lost in the desert during the last Lisbon-Dakar
    rally. Cars send a localization RF beacon that is used to guide the
    rescue agents. No GPS info is available. Each agent can only rescue
    one team. Which team will be rescued first in order to continue the
    race asap?

    Make your own team and participate in this challenge by programming
    the rescue agent to reach the beacon and return. It is a great way to

    test your skills in reactive real-time programming.

    Technically, the rules are similar to last year rules (check the
    website). The tools are all available so that you can develop and
    test you robotic agent.

    Stay tuned. We will keep you posted. If you already have an interest
    on this, send us an email! (see our contacts on the webpage!). It is
    the best way to be aware of the lastest news.

    CyberMouse Org

    PS: Could you please forward this call to anyone you know that
    might be interested? Thanks a lot


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